The “WINNER GREEN” type machine palletises packed products. Its range of products varies from boxes to wrapped packages, cans, cases and bags.
- The WINNER GREEN robot revolutionizes the world of palletising with an innovative system which, instead of dispersing the kinetic energy in the form of heat during braking, it allows a recovery in the form of electric power, spendable again for the power supply of its electrical devices.
- The controlling and recovery of energy costs system called K.E.R.S. (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) applied in response to a design technological evolution, allows an important “energy reduction for each palletising cycle”.
- Painted metal frame.
- Basament with toothed fifth wheel and coaxial reduction gear.
- Vertical column with slipping guides for the arm.
- Fixed arm with guides for carriage traverse.
- Carriage slipping on the arm with fixing of product picking up head.
- Product picking-up head rotating 360° on its axis.
- Polyamide bellows to protect the vertical sliding guides.
- Production lines served 1÷2 (with different product sizes simultaneously also).
- Palletising pallet 1÷2.
- Number of servocontrolled axes 4.
- With WINNER 500 GREEN capacity of 380 ÷ 450 cycles/hour.
- With WINNER 600 GREEN capacity of 540 ÷ 600 cycles/hour.
- The maximum capacity of the robot is referred to continuous production, excluding dead times coming from the eventual stop of the robot during working phases.
- SEW EURODRIVE high efficiency brushless gearmotors and inverter.